Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2014
Am Ende bleibt die Haltung
Liebe Freunde,
da ich seit 3 Wochen unter Euch weile und ich weitaus weniger spannende oder sagen wir mal weniger aussergewöhnliche Highlights erlebe als die die ich in der Wüste habe, gibt es nicht viel zu berichten. Schließlich möchte ich Euch ja mit auf meine Reisen in die große weite Welt mitnehmen. Als ich letztens in Berlin im Taxi gesessen bin, hat mich der Fahrer mit gebrochenem Deutsch gefragt wo "wo kommst Du Bruder"? Zum ersten mal war ich etwas verlegen und wusste nicht welche die richtige Antwort ist. Soll ich meinen Kosmos auf ein winziges kleines Wort das ein Land beschreibt reduzieren? Aber dann wäre die Antwort doch falsch. Oder soll ich den Mann verwirren, denn er erwartet nicht das meine Antwort "aus München" sein wird.
"Aber wo kommst Du original"? was als Besessenheit rüberkam. Der Mann war besessen vom Glaube das ich kein Deutscher sein kann und vom Interesse es herauszufinden. "Aus der großen weiten Welt. So heisst meine Heimat". "Oh, diese Land ich kenne nischt. Habe ich noch nie gehört" Ich seufzte "dafür sprichst Du aber sehr gut Deutsch"!!!

Don’t ask where I am from, if you don’t care about where I am going to. What is mankind without history and what records could be achieved if there is no track to follow? Life’s most valuable asset is time. The moment it is consumed it will be gone without return. Some people sit at the dock of the bay and watch time passing away. Others jump out of planes. But all of them consume time. Now i have decided for myself to consume my time with discovering what ever possible as much as possible. Discovering means adventure, desire and thrill. I am longing for desire. I walk the line as if it would never come to an end following old tracks and sometimes leaving the path to where no one has been before. Along the road, there are stages on which people play their show. Some of these shows are attractive, some are interesting and some are worth to stay and watch. When I pass by such an exceptional show than I take a brake from walking and I rest for a while giving the show attention and giving it a chance to attract my interests. I remain silent standing beside the stage observing the action, watching the player like a phantom. Some heroes look at me and invite me to play in their show by saying the first hello. And sometimes I take their offer just to satisfy the obsession and the desire in my heart by discovering the show of someone else and by taking action in the life of a stranger for selfish reasons. It begins with a first hello, an invitation that i accept knowing that i will be leaving it behind one day. Something that is ending the moment it began. But you, my hero of today, you don’t know this! It’s only me who knows that the road is wating, and that i have to follow the unknown path of travelers!! But in between my stay and my walk away, there is the joy of having a rest from walking and the feel of good life. And there is the adduction through passion together with the allure of the sin that cause a wanting to influence this show, your show… What means, you got me!! I might be gone already before you play your final act and this used to be always the case. Always!! But I will be carrying some of your show between my shoulders. Some of the time consumed by us together will last in my mind, and some of it will stay in my heart. And the bad time? There will be no bad time!! I will be walking the line from stage to stage, from a good show to a better one. One day I will reach the end of the road where i will have to make the final step. From the highest cliff in my memories down to the ground where i will touch down and connect with the ultimate light… there will be no run away from the end. The countdown for the final step and the final act will start at the moment when longing become satisfaction and the soul start to hover while the time passes away slowly. I want this cliff to be higher than the clouds, to have as much time as possible to reconsume the sumary of my memories before i die. During my final act i want to ask myself „was it worth it“? And I want the answer to be "yes it was"!! So if you want my attention, than attract my mind. Otherwise, don’t interrupt me when you see me walking along trying to consume my time. Just shut up and go home.

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